ショーン・エバリストのインスタグラム(shaunevaristo) - 11月19日 14時09分

Don't usually post pix like this but I decided to take a pix of my "moment before the moment." this was right before I went hopped on stage tonight at the #AMA's. Wanted to see from the outside what I looked like lol, cuz from the inside it was like a mile a minute. Couldn't begin to tell you how excited, nervous, happy etc i was. Haha Happy to have experienced such a fun show, and there was SO much talent backstage!! Aka Good to see @lylebeniga @devinjamieson @avaflav1 and @somanydancersitscrazy #industrycarnival lol


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Erie のインスタグラム
Erie さんがフォロー
