ACACIA SWIMWEARのインスタグラム(acacia) - 11月16日 09時55分 Holiday #GIVEAWAY time!!! Enter to win from our 2012 collection our special edition #Haena top & #Mumbai bottom in red along with our snake print bikini pouch PERFECT FOR THE HOLIDAYS ?
1• Follow @vidasoleil & @acaciaswimwear 2• post a photo of your favorite ACACIA SWIMWEAR & hash tag #ACACIASWIMWEARVIDASOLEILGIVEAWAY 3• remember for us to be able to view your photo your profile must be public! This is a perfect chance for you ladies who don't have an #acaciaswimwear piece yet to win because the winner will be chosen randomly :) We'll be announcing the winner Wednesday November 21st 2012 Good luck beautiful ladies #Aloha, @vidasoleil @lyndieirons @naomiacacia


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





ACACIA SWIMWEARを見た方におすすめの有名人