森美術館さんのインスタグラム写真 - (森美術館Instagram)「✓セクション紹介 第2章 土に還る 1950 年代から1980 年代の日本におけるアートとエコロジー  日本は戦後の高度経済成長期において、自然災害や工業汚染、放射能汚染などに起因する深刻な環境問題に見舞われました。本章では、日本の社会や現代美術史をエコロジーの観点から読み解くべく、1950年代以降の日本人アーティストの作品や活動に注目します。彼らが環境問題に対してどのように向き合ってきたかを、50年代、60年代、70年代、80年代と時系列に考察しながら、各時代の代表的な表現方法の変遷を辿ります。  ビキニ環礁で第五福竜丸が被爆した事件を扱った、桂ゆきの絵画作品《人と魚》(1954年)や、日用品を卵型のアクリル樹脂に詰め込んだ、中西夏之の《コンパクト・オブジェ》(1966/1968年)。また、土を素材に原爆や反原発を主題とする作品を制作した鯉江良二の《土に還る》(1971年)では、作家自身の顔が崩れ土に還る姿が表現され、谷口雅邦は1980年代に制作した自然と人間との関係性を表現した生け花を再現展示します。  Chapter 2 Return to Earth - Art & Ecology in Japan, 1950s-1980s  During its postwar era of high-growth Japan suffered from serious environmental problems triggered by natural disaster, industrial pollution, and radioactive waste. As a regional environmental art history, this chapter centers works by Japanese artists and their engagement with environmental issues over the decades, set out in chronological order from the 1950s through the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s, simultaneously tracking major developments in expressive technique. Works featured include Katsura Yuki’s painting Man and Fish (1954), which deals with the exposure of the Japanese fishing boat Daigo Fukuryu Maru ( “ Lucky Dragon No. 5 ” ) to nuclear fallout near Bikini Atoll and Nakanishi Natsuyuki’s Compact Object (1966/1968), in which used everyday items are packed in egg-shaped acrylic resin. Also, Return to Earth (1971) by Koie Ryoji, who used dirt to make works on nuclear and anti-nuclear themes, shows the artist’s own face baked into earth, crumbling away back into the soil, while Taniguchi Gaho reproduces an ikebana flower arrangement she created in the 1980s, expressing the relationship between nature and humans.  森美術館開館20周年記念展 「私たちのエコロジー:地球という惑星を生きるために」 時間:10:00~22:00 ※火曜日は17:00まで ※最終入館は閉館時間の30分前まで  Mori Art Museum 20th Anniversary Exhibition "Our Ecology: Toward a Planetary Living" Hours: 10:00-22:00 * 10:00-17:00 on Tuesdays. * Admission until 30 minutes before closing.  #私たちのエコロジー #森美術館  #OurEcologyMAM #MoriArtMuseum #tokyomuseums   谷口雅邦  《発芽する?プリーズ!》   Taniguchi Gaho  Sprouting? Please! 2023」11月19日 13時56分 - moriartmuseum

森美術館のインスタグラム(moriartmuseum) - 11月19日 13時56分

第2章 土に還る 1950 年代から1980 年代の日本におけるアートとエコロジー

Chapter 2
Return to Earth - Art & Ecology in Japan, 1950s-1980s

During its postwar era of high-growth Japan suffered from serious environmental problems triggered by natural disaster, industrial pollution, and radioactive waste. As a regional environmental art history,
this chapter centers works by Japanese artists and their engagement with environmental issues over the decades, set out in chronological order from the 1950s through the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s, simultaneously tracking major developments in expressive technique.
Works featured include Katsura Yuki’s painting Man and Fish (1954), which deals with the exposure of the Japanese fishing boat Daigo Fukuryu Maru ( “ Lucky Dragon No. 5 ” ) to nuclear fallout near Bikini Atoll and Nakanishi Natsuyuki’s Compact Object (1966/1968), in which used everyday items are packed in egg-shaped acrylic resin. Also, Return to Earth (1971) by Koie Ryoji, who used dirt to make works on nuclear and anti-nuclear themes, shows the artist’s own face baked into earth, crumbling away back into the soil, while Taniguchi Gaho reproduces an ikebana flower arrangement she created in the 1980s, expressing the relationship between nature and humans.

時間:10:00~22:00 ※火曜日は17:00まで

Mori Art Museum 20th Anniversary Exhibition
"Our Ecology: Toward a Planetary Living"
Hours: 10:00-22:00 * 10:00-17:00 on Tuesdays. * Admission until 30 minutes before closing.

#私たちのエコロジー #森美術館
#OurEcologyMAM #MoriArtMuseum


Taniguchi Gaho
Sprouting? Please!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



