クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 11月12日 01時21分

Newsflash: it’s not just Ukraine and Gaza that has a humanitarian crisis going on. But unfortunately when the victims are black it seems the world just isn’t moved and we have to beg for media coverage and attention. Millions of people have been murdered over the world’s greed in the DR Congo. Why isn’t it on the news? This country has over $24 TRILLION worth of minerals in the ground yet it’s the poorest nation because other countries including ours- is robbing that country of its natural resources to power our technologies. The people there should be benefiting from the immense wealth in their soil/ yet their GDP is $500/year per person!! Does this bother you? Does this pull at your heart strings? Is it easier to ignore because this is happening to Africans and we’ve been conditioned to believe so many negative things about the entire continent mean while predatory, greedy countries are setting up shop stealing all their wealth. Why are there no protests for THESE people like ever??? Do their lives not matter at all? Where are the All Lives Matter people cause I only recall hearing from y’all in response to and to shut up the Black Lives Matter movement. I’m just saying….. #WhereIsTheOutrage ?


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