福島県さんのインスタグラム写真 - (福島県Instagram)「新宮熊野(しんぐうくまの)神社長床(ながとこ)【喜多方市】 国重要文化財の拝殿「長床」の傍らには、推定樹齢850年以上の大イチョウがたたずみます。例年11月中旬から下旬に見頃を迎え、この時期にはライトアップが行われます。  観音沼森林公園【下郷町】 四季折々の美しさを楽しめる公園で、紅葉の時期にはライトアップを実施します(例年10月中旬から下旬)。  半田山自然公園【桑折町】 11~5月頃にかけては山頂付近から望む半田沼がハート型に見えることから、「ハートレイク」として人気があります。  南湖公園【白河市】 松平定信が身分の差を超えて誰もが憩える場所として1801年に築造した日本最古と言われる公園です。  天神岬温泉 しおかぜ荘【楢葉町】 太平洋を眺めながら楽しめる露天風呂は、寝湯がある岩風呂とつぼ湯が付いたひのき風呂が付いた2種類の露天風呂を含む7種類の温泉があり、心もからだもリフレッシュできます。  いわき湯本温泉【いわき市】 日本で珍しいタイプの硫黄泉で「美人の湯」として地元の方はもちろん県外の方からも愛されています。  紹介した場所は11月30日(木)まで開催の「ふくしまデジタル周遊ラリー」のチェックスポットなので、ぜひ参加をして現地に足を運んでみてください!  Shingu Kumano Shrine Nagatoko [Kitakata City] A large ginkgo tree, reportedly over 850 years old, stands beside the Nagatoko, which is Shingu Kumano Shrine’s worship hall and is a Nationally Important Cultural Asset. The ginkgo is at its best from mid to late November, when it is illuminated in the evenings.  Kannonnuma Forest Park [Shimogo Town] This popular park, which abounds in seasonal beauty throughout the year, is illuminated during the fall foliage season (from mid to late October).   Handayama Natural Park [Koori Town] From November to May, Handanuma Marsh, viewed from the nearby mountain top, looks heart-shaped, earning it the nickname Heart Lake.   Nanko Park [Shirakawa City] Considered to be Japan’s oldest public park, Nanko Park was constructed by Matsudaira Sadanobu in 1801 as a place open to everyone, regardless of social status.   Tenjin Misaki Onsen Shiokazeso [Naraha Town] This spa facility overlooking the Pacific Ocean has seven types of baths  to refresh your body and mind including two open-air baths, namely a large rock bath with a shallow neyu area where bathers can lie down and a Japanese cypress bathtub with two tsuboyu pot baths.  Iwaki Yumoto Onsen [Iwaki City] Iwaki Yumoto Onsen boasts a type of sulfur spring that is rare in Japan , and it is known and loved by locals and people from outside the prefecture alike as a hot spring with skin-beautifying properties.  All the places introduced above are check spots for the Fukushima Digital Tour Rally, which is being held until Thursday, November 30, so please participate in the rally and try to visit as many of these spots as you can!」9月29日 17時00分 - realize_fukushima

福島県のインスタグラム(realize_fukushima) - 9月29日 17時00分





天神岬温泉 しおかぜ荘【楢葉町】



Shingu Kumano Shrine Nagatoko [Kitakata City]
A large ginkgo tree, reportedly over 850 years old, stands beside the Nagatoko, which is Shingu Kumano Shrine’s worship hall and is a Nationally Important Cultural Asset. The ginkgo is at its best from mid to late November, when it is illuminated in the evenings.

Kannonnuma Forest Park [Shimogo Town]
This popular park, which abounds in seasonal beauty throughout the year, is illuminated during the fall foliage season (from mid to late October).

Handayama Natural Park [Koori Town]
From November to May, Handanuma Marsh, viewed from the nearby mountain top, looks heart-shaped, earning it the nickname Heart Lake.

Nanko Park [Shirakawa City]
Considered to be Japan’s oldest public park, Nanko Park was constructed by Matsudaira Sadanobu in 1801 as a place open to everyone, regardless of social status.

Tenjin Misaki Onsen Shiokazeso [Naraha Town]
This spa facility overlooking the Pacific Ocean has seven types of baths to refresh your body and mind including two open-air baths, namely a large rock bath with a shallow neyu area where bathers can lie down and a Japanese cypress bathtub with two tsuboyu pot baths.

Iwaki Yumoto Onsen [Iwaki City]
Iwaki Yumoto Onsen boasts a type of sulfur spring that is rare in Japan , and it is known and loved by locals and people from outside the prefecture alike as a hot spring with skin-beautifying properties.

All the places introduced above are check spots for the Fukushima Digital Tour Rally, which is being held until Thursday, November 30, so please participate in the rally and try to visit as many of these spots as you can!

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