宇賀那健一のインスタグラム(kenichiugana) - 9月27日 13時15分

I am on the plane back from Fantastic Fest, a truly amazing film festival that I will never forget, and I was excited every single day for the rest of the week. I was honored to have my film "Visitors (Complete Edition)" screened at the festival. I would like to thank the programmers for choosing us, the staff for welcoming us with the greatest hospitality, the wonderful and enthusiastic audience, the filmmakers and alters who became friends there and will surely remain friends, the media who really loved the film and covered it, to the Austin locals who so kindly welcomed us, and to the cast and crew of our beloved "Visitors (Complete Edition)". I have a new dream to come back to this beloved Fantasteic Fest. For that I will continue to make great and crazy films. I hope I will be able to toast with you again someday.

Fantastic Festは本当に素晴らしい映画祭で、この一週間はいつもいつもワクワクしていて、一生忘れないかけがえのない日々でした。


この愛すべきFantasteic Festに戻ってくるという新しい夢が出来ました。そのために僕は面白い映画を作り続けます。またいつか愛すべき皆と乾杯出来ますように。

#fantasticfest #fantasticfest2023
#悪魔がはらわたでいけにえで私 #visitorscompleteedition #詩歩 #野村啓介 #平井早紀 #板橋春樹 #遠藤隆太 #三浦健人 #lloydkaufman #tromaentertainment #宇賀那健一 #kenichiugana #film #映画 #fantasticfest23 #austin #texas #alamodrafthouse #tromateam


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