泉ひかり(パルクール)のインスタグラム(hhhhi02) - 9月22日 20時28分

出演させていただいている、眼鏡市場 FREE FiTの新WebCMが公開されました(-⊡ᴗ⊡)*⁡⁡
⁡The new web commercial for Free FiT, which I am appearing, has been released (-⊡ᴗ⊡)*⁡

⁡Thirteen years ago, when I was a high school student, I first learned about parkour after watching the behind-the-scenes filming of the commercial for Free FiT that was being broadcast and was acting by @danielilabaca . ⁡
⁡If I didn't watch the commercial, I might have lived my entire life without doing parkour. ⁡
I'm truly honored to be able to appear in the commercial for the product that gave me such a big opportunity and to be supported by them. ⁡
I would be happy if my various activities, such as this commercial, other works, TV programs, and competitions, are a great opportunity for someone, and I will continue to do my best😌
⁡⁡👓 @眼鏡市場 OFFICIAL

#眼鏡市場 #見えるにエールを⁡
#parkour #parkour4life #parkourgirl #girlspower #girlparkour #freerunning #parkourgirls #seeanddo #traceuse #traceur #running #training #jump #activity #movemet #traceuselife #パルクール #パルクール系女子 #女子トレーサー #フリーランニング #トレーニング #趣味 #フィットネス #跑酷


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