Earth Picsのインスタグラム(earthpix) - 9月6日 03時17分

@richard.degouveia - read below👇🏽”5 reasons gorillas🦍 beat their chest”

1. Display of Strength and Dominance: The primary reason is to show dominance and assert their authority. The louder the sound, the stronger the gorilla is perceived to be. By beating their chests, male gorillas can deter other males and attract potential mates.

2. Communication: Chest-beating can also serve as a way for gorillas to communicate their location or presence to others, especially in dense forest environments where visibility might be limited.

3. Warning or Threat: If a gorilla perceives a threat or is approached by an unfamiliar gorilla, they might beat their chest as a warning or to intimidate the potential threat.

4. Excitement or Play: Younger gorillas, in particular, might beat their chests during play or when they’re excited.

5. Resolving Conflicts: Before any physical aggression occurs, chest-beating can serve as a way to resolve conflicts and establish hierarchy without resorting to actual violence.

Comment below and tell us if you knew all five reason 😊

🎥 by: @richard.degouveia
🦍🦍: @kwisanga_family


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