テンソンのインスタグラム(tenson) - 6月25日 17時03分

Our cozy Himalaya Hoodie is perfect for summer evenings and morning walks. Made in organic cotton & recycled polyester and on top of that we have CarbonZERO certified it - read more in the link below.⁠

The Carbon Capture Certificate guarantees that all of the carbon dioxide released in the making of a product is sequestrated in trees. This increased carbon sink is ensured through growth-enhancing measures, primarly the planting of new forests. Consumers are presented with the option to choose a product with no carbon footprint! ⁠

The Carbon Capture Company plants enough trees to absorb the amount of carbon dioxide contracted by the licensee. Planting is done on land that is not arable nor suitable for pasture.⁠
Read more at CarbonZEROproduct.com⁠

#tenson #theswedishoutdoorbrand #hvarisland #hvarislandcroatia #croatia #outdoors


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



