トリー・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(torriewilson) - 5月4日 10時29分

Don’t forget. We ALL start somewhere, yet sometimes we are given the impression that everyone has had life allll mastered. NOT true. If someone tells you that, run!

I decided I’m gonna periodically share my journey in yoga. Maybe it will inspire you to try something new and share it too. Maybe it will help you remember that we all start somewhere & it may as well be today.
I hadn’t done yoga in 4 years up until 6 months ago. Before that it was sporadic. Now my body & soul have been screaming for it so I’m leaning in. My body is asking for a lil more love, and the centered peace I feel during a class has been a bonus.

Usually I’m trying to keep up or watch other ppl to figure out how to do something but that’s OK..I’m there!
Time will pass anyway. Next year when I show you how far I’ve (hopefully) come..maybe you will have pushed and progressed in something new too! My point? Don’t be afraid to try something new and suck. Maybe that very thing is meant to lead you into something beautifulll! ❤️


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