ショウン・トンプソンのインスタグラム(shaunt) - 4月17日 08時59分

🥵✈️As someone who is becoming more and more passionate about bodybuilding, I have learned that prepping for a competition is not just about lifting weights and eating clean. It requires a lot of discipline and consistency, especially when you’re on the road. ✈️ Traveling can be a major barrier to maintaining a bodybuilding regimen, with its unpredictable schedules, unfamiliar surroundings, and limited resources.

That’s where having a coach comes in. A coach can help you stay accountable and motivated, providing guidance and support every step of the way. Shoutout to my coach @justin413fitness . Having him constantly available helps me enhance my transformation process and achieve my goals more efficiently when I hit unforeseen barriers!

#bodybuilding #preppingforcompetition #consistency #traveling
#coach #accountability #npc #classicphysique


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