ジェシカ・シーバのインスタグラム(mommasgonecity) - 4月16日 04時32分

I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a woman and a mother in terms of community. About how mothering at it’s best is a collective experience, specifically when it comes to being able to share the weight of emotional burden. We can share meals and childcare, but it’s the hands on our heart when the hard stuff becomes debilitating that truly keep us going.

There’s layers here involving generational trauma, and the way our mothers were mothered by the women in their lives. How we carry the weight of our ancestor’s grief in our own cells.

For some of us, building trust in women is a complex place. I haven’t been great about being fully present for my mother friends (mostly because I’m barely afloat myself), but I’m also recognizing that it’s not a quantitative value. That listening to their worries and validating the complexity of raising emotionally whole humans is absolutely the keystone of keeping ten toes on the ground myself.

In its purest form, motherhood is community. It’s being gentle, uplifting, supportive and protective of our kids, our friend’s kids, the neighbor’s kids. But also being the safe place, the soft landing for our sisters. It’s a beautiful thing, and every day I am thankful for the women who hold my hand and share a loving space with me.


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