マリクレールのインスタグラム(marieclairemag) - 4月14日 00時41分

From bubble shoes to balloon bags, why is fashion so puffy as of late?

Just as a child reaches for their stuffed animal after a nightmare, we’re seeking plushy comfort after the hardships of recent years—collectively soothing our grown-up souls. “[Puffy fashion] has a protective energy and might be a way to counteract the disruptions we’ve had to face,” says fashion psychologist @sarahseungmcfarland. Plus, who can deny the comedic relief of a bag you’d find in the Michelin Man’s closet?

If you’re not yet on board (or feeling late to the puffy party), do not fret: the Great Puff-ining has yet to hit its peak. At the link in bio, @emmachilds_ does a deep dive into the impossibly plump, impossible-to-ignore pieces that are suddenly everywhere.


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