泥泥林さんのインスタグラム写真 - (泥泥林Instagram)「還是喜歡日常泥嗎?Better in casual look?💚 順便總結一下昨天特斯拉貼文的小型社會實驗: Summarize the little social experiment post I posted yesterday:  The Tesla post I posted yesterday is a little social experiment for me, and it gave me a few conclusions:  1、真的!絕大多數的人都只看標題就下結論  2、釣出不少仇富/仇女的人🤔️ 但他們會佯裝那東西不怎麼樣,所以他們不想要!才不是買不起呢哼! 你們這些女生還不是靠身材在賺錢或要不是妳長這樣他們想跟你做朋友?哼! (這類人在臉書尤其多,大部分還都是年長女性)  3、也是有不少願意把文章完整看完才下結論的同學,我覺得這個很棒👍 不要讓媒體這麼容易的操控自己的思想!(雖然我也不過打了三行字…)  4、撇除是否看完全文跟嫉妒成分偏高的留言外,大部分的人都很樂於恭賀別人的成就,這點也讓人感到很開心🥳  如果你是有看到最後一行的那個人 留個言讓我知道你/妳喜歡這種討論嗎?🩵  -  1. Yes!! Most people only look at the title, and then make a conclusion without knowing the truth 😂  2. Drag out some ppl who hates the rich and maybe… there’re some misogyn also. They will pretend that they don't want the stuff cuz the stuff is not that good to suit them. It’s nothing about they can't afford it🤡 And you famous girls always trade things/ earn money by your b0dy, or be like: if you don’t hv good looking, who will make friends with you(snort) *Interesting fact is: Mostly of them are elder women on Facebook 🤷*  3. There are still many ppl who are willing to finish reading the whole article before leaving a comment. That’s a great thing! Don't let social medias manipulate your thoughts so easily! (Although I only typed three lines... lol)  4. Apart from whether you have read the full text or not and those jealous people, most people are very willing to congratulate others on their achievements, which also makes me feel happy.  That’s truly heartwarming when receiving a congratulations at your highlights moment🥰  If you’re the one who read this whole article Leave a comment to let me know, if you like this kind of discussion?」3月31日 22時01分 - janie.lin

泥泥林のインスタグラム(janie.lin) - 3月31日 22時01分

還是喜歡日常泥嗎?Better in casual look?💚
Summarize the little social experiment post I posted yesterday:

The Tesla post I posted yesterday is a little social experiment for me, and it gave me a few conclusions:







1. Yes!! Most people only look at the title, and then make a conclusion without knowing the truth 😂

2. Drag out some ppl who hates the rich and maybe… there’re some misogyn also.
They will pretend that they don't want the stuff cuz the stuff is not that good to suit them. It’s nothing about they can't afford it🤡
And you famous girls always trade things/ earn money by your b0dy, or be like: if you don’t hv good looking, who will make friends with you(snort)
*Interesting fact is: Mostly of them are elder women on Facebook 🤷*

3. There are still many ppl who are willing to finish reading the whole article before leaving a comment.
That’s a great thing! Don't let social medias manipulate your thoughts so easily! (Although I only typed three lines... lol)

4. Apart from whether you have read the full text or not and those jealous people, most people are very willing to congratulate others on their achievements, which also makes me feel happy.
That’s truly heartwarming when receiving a congratulations at your highlights moment🥰

If you’re the one who read this whole article
Leave a comment to let me know, if you like this kind of discussion?


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