ヨランテ・ヴァン・カスベルヘンのインスタグラム(yolanthecabau) - 3月19日 18時25分

Today is my birthday. 💓 I might know you personally or I might not know you at all… but you are important to me. And I celebrate you.
I’m gonna be very honest with you. I choose to post pictures and videos of myself and my life that I like the most and that I think will spread happiness and joy. But my reality is not always like that.
Yes I look at this picture and this is me. A strong hardworking single mother. A positive mind that will never give up. But I also see a scared and hurt child with doubts and insecurities. I see things you might not see… because I’m her. And not everything is always what it seems like. I’m very blessed with a beautiful and healthy life. And I’m so thankful to God for it every day. But my life is not only glitter and glamour. My life is so much more what you don’t see. I have difficult days and sleepless nights. I’ve met, talked and seen so many little girls that were abused and raped. I have found myself in situations that traumatized me. Horrifying images and moments that will stay with me for ever. I’m raising the sweetest little boy by myself and that’s the most beautiful gift life gave me. But at the same time it’s a huge responsibility and some moments are hard and can get very lonely. I had different hopes and dreams for myself as a little girl.. but then life happens. And things will not always go as planned. But I learned to embrace all those moments.. the good ones and the bad ones. To be thankful for all that I’m allowed to feel and experience. I’ve learned to keep my head up at all times. And to keep giving the earth the best version of me. What ever the world thinks of me. The only person who truly knows my heart is me. I have to be my own best friend. And I found her in me. It took me a lot of ups and downs to find her.. and I will never let her go again. I love me. And because of that I love you! Whoever you are, I really do. Thank you for being you. My hopes for you are that you’ll become your own best friend too. Because you are AMAZING!! We only have NOW.. so let’s enjoy it to the fullest!! Happy Birthday to us all! ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



