テイラー・アレシアのインスタグラム(tayloralesia) - 2月27日 03時25分

A few days ago I experienced, which was my first encounter, being pre-judged. It was a conversation between two people chatting about me and sharing what they thought of me after checking me out on social media. I’ve been sharing my life on social media since I was 14 years old so I can only imagine what people see, think or hear when they look me up. I’ve made A LOT of mistakes in my life, especially in my early 20s as I would assume many of us do. The difference for me is that most of my mistakes were filmed or photographed. Posted without thinking. & Posted by others that wanted to highlight on my mistakes further. I’ve never cared what people thought of me my entire life & I’m thankful for that or else I wouldn’t be able to do what I love to do. Which is create&film. But for the first time I got to see a conversation of two people that hadn’t met me and what their assumptions of me were. & man did it hurt. First, I felt anger because who I was yesterday is not who I am today. (& I think that goes for everyone.) Why didn’t they just wait to meet me? Next, I felt shame and hurt because no matter what I do.. the internet is forever. Then what came last was it for me. I asked myself… how many times have I done this to someone else? How many times have I pre-judged someone based off their instagram? How many times have I pre-judged someone because of what I heard about them from someone else? How many times have I pre-judged someone because I was jealous of them? I’ve always been an overall positive person so when something bad happens.. I always ask myself, what’s the positive here? I’m thankful that God allowed me to experience such a pain like this because I would never wish for anyone to ever feel like I did in this moment. I’m making it a point in my life to stop pre-judging. & Being fully aware that as I am still human, I will slip up and continue to sin even when I try not to.. but I’m going to do my best to remove this from my life. Being pre-judged is painful. Especially since we’re not even giving the person we’re pre-judging the ability to defend themselves. I made a 3 minute video about this on my youtube if you want to check it out. Love you guys.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Jack Baranのインスタグラム
Jack Baranさんがフォロー
