細野晴臣さんのインスタグラム写真 - (細野晴臣Instagram)「追悼・高橋幸宏  細野晴臣 2023年1月19日  喉に引っ掛かって飲み込めない違和感とともに、自分の生死に向き合うことになる。それが友の死だ。感情は死を拒絶し理性は受け入れる。この悲痛な葛藤から逃げることはできない。  人の一生は一冊の本のようだ。いま「高橋幸宏」という本を読み終え、多くのファンがあとがきを書こうとしている。物語は終わったが本は消えず、ずっとそこにある。  幸宏の死は世界に反響を及ぼした。彼が海外のミュージシャンに与えた影響の大きさを今更ながら知り、高橋幸宏が実は大スターであることが判明した。  初めて幸宏と出会った時の彼は16歳、ぼくは21歳だった。それから半世紀の付き合いになる。軽井沢で知りあい、軽井沢でお別れしたのは不思議な縁だと思う。  高橋幸宏にとって自分はどんな存在だったのか。多分それは縁戚の「変な伯父さん」だろう。彼の厳しい審美眼はぼくをずっと観察していたに違いない。ある時期から少しづつ認めてくれたようだ。その審美眼は自己にも向けられ、ついに世界一お洒落なミュージシャンになってしまった。  In memory of Takahashi Yukihiro  With an awkward feeling stuck in the throat, you come face to face with your own mortality. That’s what it’s like losing a friend. The heart rejects death, but the mind accepts it. There is no escaping this painful conflict.  A person’s life is like a book. Many of his fans have finished reading “Takahashi Yukihiro,” and are now adding their own epilogues. The story is over, but the book will remain.  The reaction to Yukihiro’s death was worldwide. I felt anew the extent of his influence on musicians around the world. He really was a Star.  When we first met he was 16 and I was 21. That was over half a century ago. We met in Karuizawa, and it was in Karuizawa that we said our goodbyes. It’s funny how things work out.  I wonder what I was to him. Perhaps something like a ‘weird uncle.’ With his unerring aesthetic sense he must have been observing me all this time. I think he came to accept me after a while. That same aesthetic gaze was also trained on himself, and he ended up the global music world’s master of style.  Hosono Haruomi January 19th, 2023  (Translated by Peter Barakan)」1月23日 1時29分 - hosonoharuomi_info

細野晴臣のインスタグラム(hosonoharuomi_info) - 1月23日 01時29分

細野晴臣 2023年1月19日






In memory of Takahashi Yukihiro

With an awkward feeling stuck in the throat, you come face to face with your own mortality. That’s what it’s like losing a friend. The heart rejects death, but the mind accepts it. There is no escaping this painful conflict.

A person’s life is like a book. Many of his fans have finished reading “Takahashi Yukihiro,” and are now adding their own epilogues. The story is over, but the book will remain.

The reaction to Yukihiro’s death was worldwide. I felt anew the extent of his influence on musicians around the world. He really was a Star.

When we first met he was 16 and I was 21. That was over half a century ago. We met in Karuizawa, and it was in Karuizawa that we said our goodbyes. It’s funny how things work out.

I wonder what I was to him. Perhaps something like a ‘weird uncle.’ With his unerring aesthetic sense he must have been observing me all this time. I think he came to accept me after a while. That same aesthetic gaze was also trained on himself, and he ended up the global music world’s master of style.

Hosono Haruomi
January 19th, 2023

(Translated by Peter Barakan)


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