LiSAのインスタグラム(xlisa_olivex) - 11月24日 02時34分

#LANDER 『M-1 往け 作詞:LiSA 作曲:Ayase 編曲:江口 亮』
#アメブロ #sao_anime

01. 往け

01. 往け Yu-Ke
Theme song of the movie Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night, from the Sword Art Online series that I have been working with for a long time with many songs. I read the script, and the moment heroine Asuna, the female knight, steeled herself while in despair, I pictured a powerful and pliant flash of light. This song has saved me many times on helpless nights when I still have to look ahead.
“Go, me, go”. A song of mantra. Ayase, who composed the music, has a beautiful singing voice. I asked him to join me in singing some parts of the song, hoping that his voice would sound like a resonating message from someone.

01. 往け(往前)
“继续向前,我啊。继续向前” 的魔法之歌。作曲者Ayase老师的歌声很美妙,希望听歌时能够从中想起有所共鸣之人的寄语,于是便共同演唱了歌曲的某些部分。


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