キャサリンハムネットのインスタグラム(katharinehamnett) - 9月17日 18時05分

Q. Are these slogans and campaigns effective? Have you achieved results these past years of activism?

A. Marching and Slogans havent worked historically They have no teeth.Unless you follow it up with political engagement. Your appealing to the better nature of people who havent got one.

We’ve been marching and wearing slogans for years but the results for the environmental, Peace, Anti -War, Anti- Nuclear ,Anti - pesticide, Womens Reproductive Rights , movements etc are not commensurate with the millions of people involved or the human hours spent doing it.
Or the lives that have been lost.
They only work to draw attention to an issue-Marching and Slogans alone arent enough.
We have to put pressure on our elected representatives -that we wont vote for them next time if we see they dont represent our views.And do it.

Meanwhile old forms of protest are being outlawed and people are getting hurt and killed ongoing.
We need to re-set protest
and become ferociously effective without getting hurt.
We are losing some of our best people.wasting them.
We need to use social media like the genius Russian propagandists.We need to learn from US progressives like AOC ,Stacey Abrams etc about their amazing grass-root campaigning techniques and copy them.
But above all we need to use the political system we have, that historically hundreds of millions have died for - for us to have the vote.
Many politicians are a vested interest group- just in politics to get re-elected. We need to hit them with what they are most afraid of.



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