タラ・リピンスキーのインスタグラム(taralipinski) - 7月8日 00時06分

Happy Birthday to my guy. @toddkap
These pics make me realize whenever I’m in his presence a smile, a laugh or a kiss comes so easily from me. These memories are pure joy.

I’m so lucky he was born on this day so somehow we could meet up and do this one crazy life we get….together.

I can’t wait to celebrate him and remind him why he is so special. If you know Todd the reasons are obvious…and endless.
So yes- funny, witty, thoughtful and sweet to bring on all those smiles but he is made of so much more and I’m lucky that everyday I get to witness all the amazing parts of him.
Like when life throws shitty curveballs at me or us, he’s there. Always there. I don’t have pics of those memories to share but in my heart I replay how solidly he has been there to always mend any broken pieces and support me when I’ve needed him most. A memory as important as the smiling ones.

He’s a good one and so grateful he’s mine.

Love you TK and happy birthday


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




