アナ・チエリのインスタグラム(anacheri) - 6月22日 00時18分

@tru_supplements 🙌🏽

Did you know protein is made from amino acids, of the 20 amino acids 9 are essential meaning we can’t make them in our body, and we have to get them from our diet.
3 of these are Branch Chain Amino Acids : valine, isoleucine and lucine (key for muscles building)
have an important role to play in insulin regulation, neuro function, and protein metabolism.

You should be consuming your body weight in protein to grow muscle, for example if you weigh 140lbs you should be consuming 140g of protein a day.
If you can’t hit this target or the protein you are consuming is not high quality or you have a vegan diet BCAAs are a great tool to supplement and help you reach your goals. 💪🏽😆

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