メトロポリタン美術館のインスタグラム(metmuseum) - 4月26日 09時56分

Travel back in time with a medieval look inspired by The Met’s beloved “The Unicorn Tapestries.” 🦄

Follow along as Cecilia Zhou, Senior Guide at the Harvard Art Museums, explores the fascinating mythical history behind the unicorn and shares how you can replicate the look of one of the hunters from the tapestries. Grab your favorite supplies to get started.

🎥 See more make-up tutorials with Cecilia over on our Guides.

What other works from The Met collection would you like to see featured in a make-up tutorial? Let us know in the comments.

🎨 The Hunters Enter the Woods (from the Unicorn Tapestries), 1495–1505. Made in Paris, France (cartoon); Made in Southern Netherlands (woven). Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts. On view at @metcloisters in gallery 17. #MetMakeup


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