岡本沙紀さんのインスタグラム写真 - (岡本沙紀Instagram)「안녕하세요🇰🇷ㅎㅎ  English below;  第一志望の大学に合格した方、おめでとうございます🎊 また、まだ受験や試験が残っている方、お疲れ様です。ラストスパート頑張ってください📣 ⁡ 写真は、東京大学で受講できる「囲碁で養う考える力」という授業で撮っていただいたものです。 ⁡ この授業では、囲碁初心者の東大生を対象に、日本棋院プロ棋士で客員准教授でいらっしゃる黒滝正憲八段と吉原由香里六段が直接指導をしてくださいます。 ⁡ 小学生の頃に囲碁のルールを知ったものの何年も一切触れておらず、対局の機会もなく、いつかもっと取り組みたいと長年思っていたことができて大変嬉しかったです。 ⁡ ほかにも、東京大学ではスポーツ科学の専門家とプロのオペラ歌手の方から歌唱技術を習ったり、科学館の役割について学んだあとで実際に科学館を訪れたりと、「真剣に遊ぶ」ような授業がたくさん開講されています。 ⁡ もちろん、もっと専攻していることだけに打ち込ませてほしいと思うこともありますし、他にも沢山のメリット・デメリットがあると思いますが、私は総合大学に入ってよかったと心から思っています☺️ ⁡ Congratulations for passing the entrance exam to the university of your first choice 🎊 ⁡ The photo was taken at the "Cultivating Ability through Go" class provided at the University of Tokyo. ⁡ In this class, we have professional Go players from the Nihon Ki-in as visiting associate professors to teach students who are beginners in Go. ⁡ I was delighted because although I learned the rules of Go when I was in elementary school, I hadn't had the chance to play for many years, and I was hoping to do more someday. ⁡ The University of Tokyo also offers many other "playing with science" classes, such as learning singing techniques with a sports science expert and a professional singer, dawing class, camping class, or visiting the science museum after learning about the its responsibilities. ⁡ Of course there are many times that I wish I could devote more time to my own major, and I'm sure there are many other advantages and disadvantages, but I'm truly glad that I joined a multi-disciplinary  university❣️  Thank you for who always follows all of my words. I can’t be happier when I hear your voices! Feel free to ask me anything:) ⁡ The Answer to the Latest Question: ○将来は研究者になることを長年目指してきたのですが、授業や課外活動で実社会の話を聞くとそちらもとても楽しそうに思われて、博士課程まで進むか、進むとして社会経験を全くしないで行くのか、何年かして進学するのか、まだ決めかねています。 ⁡ #囲碁 #go #바둑 #围棋 #日本棋院 #黒滝正憲 #吉原由香里 #東京大学 #キャンパスライフ #english #japanese #korean」2月9日 19時57分 - okamoto_sa_ki

岡本沙紀のインスタグラム(okamoto_sa_ki) - 2月9日 19時57分


English below;

第一志望の大学に合格した方、おめでとうございます🎊 また、まだ受験や試験が残っている方、お疲れ様です。ラストスパート頑張ってください📣






Congratulations for passing the entrance exam to the university of your first choice 🎊

The photo was taken at the "Cultivating Ability through Go" class provided at the University of Tokyo.

In this class, we have professional Go players from the Nihon Ki-in as visiting associate professors to teach students who are beginners in Go.

I was delighted because although I learned the rules of Go when I was in elementary school, I hadn't had the chance to play for many years, and I was hoping to do more someday.

The University of Tokyo also offers many other "playing with science" classes, such as learning singing techniques with a sports science expert and a professional singer, dawing class, camping class, or visiting the science museum after learning about the its responsibilities.

Of course there are many times that I wish I could devote more time to my own major, and I'm sure there are many other advantages and disadvantages, but I'm truly glad that I joined a multi-disciplinary university❣️

Thank you for who always follows all of my words. I can’t be happier when I hear your voices! Feel free to ask me anything:)

The Answer to the Latest Question:

#囲碁 #go #바둑 #围棋 #日本棋院 #黒滝正憲 #吉原由香里
#東京大学 #キャンパスライフ
#english #japanese #korean


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