筒香嘉智さんのインスタグラム写真 - (筒香嘉智Instagram)「本日2021年シーズンが終了しました。今シーズンはシーズン途中の移籍などもあり、様々な環境の変化がありましたが、私自身にとってはすべてが良い経験になり、今後の財産になるのではないかと感じています。  プレーしたそれぞれの球団の方々や、関係者の方々に支えていただき、どんな状況でも暖かく前向きな声掛けを送ってくださる日本の皆さまのおかげで、1年間プレーすることができました。  オフの期間にしっかりと準備をして、また来シーズン、元気にプレーする姿をお見せできればと思います。  As of today the 2021 season has ended. Although there has been various changes in my environment due to  switching teams during the season, I feel that everything will be a good experience for me and become a life asset.   I was able to play for a year thanks to the support of my team members, all the people who were involved and the positive warm voices of the fans regardless of my situation.   I hope I can prepare well during the off season and be able to show a great energetic performance next season.」10月4日 12時02分 - yoshitomo.tsutsugo_official

筒香嘉智のインスタグラム(yoshitomo.tsutsugo_official) - 10月4日 12時02分




As of today the 2021 season has ended. Although there has been various changes in my environment due to switching teams during the season, I feel that everything will be a good experience for me and become a life asset.

I was able to play for a year thanks to the support of my team members, all the people who were involved and the positive warm voices of the fans regardless of my situation.

I hope I can prepare well during the off season and be able to show a great energetic performance next season.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



