村主章枝さんのインスタグラム写真 - (村主章枝Instagram)「July 4th was Independence Day in America!  The photo is Las Vegas where I live😊   I looked up about Independence Day ...  The United States celebrates the birth of the United States by making the day when the United States declares independence from the United Kingdom. It developed as a British colony (a part of the British Empire at that time).  The reason why the United States tried to become independent from Britain was because of dissatisfaction with the tax system for British colonies.   Due to repeated taxation, people who had run out of patience attacked a ship loaded with tea from the East Indies company in their home country, and this was the beginning of the war (Boston Tea war).  It is a very interesting rumor but Since that time, tea culture has not taken root in the United States, and it has become coffee culture.  7月4日は、アメリカは独立記念日でした!写真は、私がいるラスベガスです😊  独立記念日を調べてみたら… アメリカは、イギリスの植民地、(当時の大英帝国の一部)として発展した経緯から、アメリカがイギリスからの独立を宣言した日を「独立記念日」(Independence Day) とし、アメリカの誕生を祝う祝日となったようです。  アメリカがイギリスから独立しようとしたきっかけは、イギリスの植民地に対する税制への不満からだったようです。  度重なる課税に、堪忍袋の緒を切らした人たちが、本国の東インド会社の茶を積んだ船を襲い、(ボストン茶事件)でこれが戦争の発端となりました。 このとき以来アメリカにはお茶文化が根付かず、コーヒー文化になったのだとか笑 #independenceday  #独立記念日 #lasvegas」7月6日 23時34分 - fumie.suguri

村主章枝のインスタグラム(fumie.suguri) - 7月6日 23時34分

July 4th was Independence Day in America! The photo is Las Vegas where I live😊

I looked up about Independence Day ...
The United States celebrates the birth of the United States by making the day when the United States declares independence from the United Kingdom. It developed as a British colony (a part of the British Empire at that time).

The reason why the United States tried to become independent from Britain was because of dissatisfaction with the tax system for British colonies.

Due to repeated taxation, people who had run out of patience attacked a ship loaded with tea from the East Indies company in their home country, and this was the beginning of the war (Boston Tea war).
It is a very interesting rumor but Since that time, tea culture has not taken root in the United States, and it has become coffee culture.


アメリカは、イギリスの植民地、(当時の大英帝国の一部)として発展した経緯から、アメリカがイギリスからの独立を宣言した日を「独立記念日」(Independence Day) とし、アメリカの誕生を祝う祝日となったようです。




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