アリス=紗良・オットのインスタグラム(alicesaraott_official) - 6月29日 17時21分

Yesterday at #WatchThisSpace:

Quartet for the End of Time. Playing this music by #OlivierMessiaen is always a borderline experience, both mentally and physically.

It was such a joy to share it with these incredible musicians Christopher Corbett (clarinet), @lionel_cottet (cello) and @thomasreif_official (violin) !!

We had different light and color settings for each of the eight movements (This is a snapshot from the sixth movement: Dance of fury, for the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse) and I just loved how the audience breathed and lived the music in sync with us. It is so affirmative to make music this way!

A big thank you to the @brsorchestra team and the lighting team for making this possible 🙏🏻

second photo by: @eva_buechl


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