村上隆のインスタグラム(takashipom) - 4月16日 12時37分

My friend Kashiwa Sato @佐藤可士和 , the designer, currently has an exhibition going on at the National Art Center, Tokyo @thenationalartcentertokyo . I have been a friendly marketing ambassador, if you will, and filmed some conversations with him. He is probably best recognized internationally for his work for UNIQLO @ユニクロ . Kashiwa Sato is very popular in Japan, with a few publications on his work philosophy and principles, which have been translated into Chinese as well. In Japan, people must find it bizarre that Kashiwa-san and I are good friends. I say this because in this country, contemporary artists like myself are not at all respected; I, in particular, am notorious as a traitor who feeds a contorted version of Japanese culture to overseas audiences. In Japanese society, designers, film and animation directors, manga authors, and game designers hold high esteem. Kashiwa-san is one of the very rare, few people who have maintained friendship with me.
I hope you’ll check out our conversations in the video.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





