ターニャ・テイトのインスタグラム(tanyatate) - 3月5日 01時04分

#livestream Do you like any retro or vintage items ? ..and opening gifts 🎁 🛵📿🛼🎱📼 . .

What’s the most retro thing you own ? . .

Do you own anything from before the days of the internet ? . .

Have you personally kept something from childhood which could be classed as retro ? . .

Do you ever dress in any retro style costume or do your hair in a retro style ? . .

What's your favourite retro fashion comeback ? . .

If you could own or try out anything retro what would it be ? . .

What are your most favourite retro things ? . .

Do you collect any retro objects ? . .

Are you young enough to have never used a cassette player or an old style telephone ? . .

Are you old enough to have lived without the internet and mobile phones ? . .

Join me for a family friendly chat on my #youtubelive #stream . .

👉🏻youtube.com/tanyatatetube👈🏻 . .

☝🏻Subscribe and Get Notified when I go Live . .


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




