ホリー・ホルムのインスタグラム(hollyholm) - 2月10日 14時30分

My evening went a little like this- I was craving some French fries and an unsweetened Iced tea. I went to Chic Fil A. I was on the phone talking with my father as I got a wave from the car next to me. A couple of young adults with two genuine smiles. I waved back and told my father that it was refreshing to see people out having simple fun and enjoying each others company. We continued to talk about how we appreciate seeing children and young adults being social and having good positive fun with each other. It’s more and more rare. I’m not against video games or anything but I do feel it can rob people of things that can fuel your soul in a positive way. That’s the good stuff... the true joy that lifts your spirits. Nothing beats a good laugh and conversation with other people. Connecting with each other in person and enjoying simple things in life. I told my dad I just felt like these two in front of me seemed to be having some good clean fun. I told my father I kinda wanted to meet them. They seemed very genuine. It reminded me of driving around with my friends and talking and laughing. In high school (and even sometimes now) We used to go through a drive through and get a drink and just drive and talk and laugh. No plan and no pressure and nowhere to really go. Just simply be. As I was still talking to my father, I pulled up to the window to pay and was told that the two in this car had paid for my French fries and tea. So I waved and pulled up to meet them. Told them how much I appreciate their kindness. They were just coming from church and were. enjoying their simple Tuesday night.
This is nothing of a dramatic story.....and I have been treated with kindness many times. It just had me thinking extra tonight how special each person is to this world. A lot of people are out there that don’t even know how much they are valued by someone else. It may be a stranger or someone you’ve known your whole life. I just hope all of you know you are valued and loved and to always know your own worth in this world. Be kind, be loving and be blessed ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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