ルイーズ・ペントランドのインスタグラム(louisepentland) - 2月9日 21時23分

#AD How old where you when you first started using the internet? I think I was about 15 with the slowest dial up of your life haha - things have certainly changed haven’t they? Did you know that today is Safer Internet Day?
Online Safety UK (www.onlinesafetyuk.com/subscribe) is a platform that helps break everything down, gives amazing tips, advice and support and empowers you and your family to really use the internet safely and happily- they also work in schools so you may have already heard of them!
There’s a paid subscription option that offers detailed video walk throughs, helpful step by steps for set ups, advice on managing screen time, app notifications if something immediate needs attention (like when that awful ‘MoMo’ thing was going round) and invitations to give your input to shape even better online safety. Read to the bottom for a cracking discount!!!
There is also a free login service where you have access to new trend info, can make requests for support and you’ll be offered helpful monthly emails.
Personally, I really like that you can search for things by age. So for example, Darcy is super into Roblox and @onlinesafetyuk breaks that down for me as a parent to really understand the game, the pitfalls and the things I need to be aware of. I don’t want to stop her using the internet, I want to empower her to use it well yanno?
Best bit - I have a discount especially for my lovely community! Yay! If you use code ‘GLITTER’, you’ll get 30% off your annual subscription (of £35). Hurrah!
Would love to hear in the comments your early online experiences? Anyone a web-dinosaur like me haha! #OSUK #SaferInternetDay


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