Abhinav Chandelのインスタグラム(abhiandnow) - 2月1日 14時33分

From where the happiness comes,
And where it goes,
I don’t know these mysteries,
But there’s something my heart knows,
It knows of careless abandon,
That takes you beyond,
Into the mountains,
Where there’s no need to be found,
And all you do is observe the world,
Like you haven’t before,
Carrying nothing else but wonder in your heart,
Stopping after every few steps to realise,
How beautiful this world is,
The way you haven’t seen it before,
Making you think,
What else is in the store.

Well little do they tell you,
The store is within you,
If you let go the worries of old,
You’ll find a wonderful new,
Where you’ll be the sky,
And your thoughts will be the birds,
Flying around in your vast expense,
For you to learn,
That your dreams were never lost,
They were always there,
Hidden from you,
Waiting for you to come back to the game,
Where you’d find them,
And grind them all old fears,
Wiping those dried up tears,
You’ll learn to smile again.

But happiness,
That’s a different thing all together,
I learned the more you run after it,
The more it evades you,
But there’s a secret I wish you knew,
That all you’ve to do,
Is sit and stare,
At all that breathes,
At all that’s there,
Like an old tree above some mountain,
And that’s when the magic happens,
For the happiness is like a bird,
And it will appear,
Hovering gently,
As you’ll find it near
Waiting to perch,
On one of your branches,
As the wind dances
Around you.

So while I don’t know,
From where the happiness comes,
And where it goes,
I do know a thing or two,
Which say that you’ll smile the most,
The day you truly start living,
Your moments few.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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