Monday満ちるのインスタグラム(mondaymichiru) - 1月26日 22時57分

So sad to read Phil Asher passed away last week, heart attack in his sleep at the tender age of just 50. I never got to work directly with him, but he did a remix of the track I co-wrote and was featured on by P’taah, “Cosmic Laws.” In fact, I seem to recall @markdeclivelowe contacting me from the studio as he laid down the keyboards for the remix. I wrote this in dedication to my father, Charlie Mariano, and while P’taah reversed the sequence of my words that made the story a little jagged, Phil let the sequence play in its intended form (but he changed up the way the chorus part laid rhythmically). May you Rest In Peace Phil, I’m sorry we never got to meet in person 🙏


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