クラークのインスタグラム(throttleclark) - 1月26日 22時11分

This album started in 2014. I came up with the title enjoying a daydream on a tram in Leipzig and I think it made me miss my stop.

My intentions were murky then, but gradually clarity began to percolate and do its wonderful hatching thing, I knew I was onto something. It just took 6 bloody years and a pandemic to finish it. It’s been a brutal old year, away from loved ones. I literally had nothing to do but try not to get Coronavirus and heal myself through an isolated time of pure devotion to finishing this music.

I worked manically on it, pruning it down to the bare essentials, writing deleting selecting refining. It kind of felt like all I had. It healed me, helped me tease out something to find beautiful and worthwhile in a fraught time. What an odd, joyous pursuit music making is!

I want it to be a sonic portal, a refuge, an anchor for people, like a slab of subjective musical truth I submit to the deception machine, which is what the internet seems to have turned into over the last 10 years.

‘Small’ is a bit of a sea shanty in a way, ha. Hope you all enjoy it. Much love. 🔗 in bio

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