プラバルグルンのインスタグラム(prabalgurung) - 1月20日 11時06分

I am overjoyed and honoured to be celebrating the historic inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris. This moment is a profound time of joy, as we look towards a future filled with hope, unity, and healing. I came to the United States over 20 years ago to pursue my American dream. Being born in Singapore, raised in Nepal, and living in India, Australia, and London - I came here because for me, like so many immigrants, America represented a land of endless possibilities.

Today, with the incoming administration and our first female, and Black and Indian American Vice President, I find myself filled with the same love and hope that I felt when I arrived in this country all those years ago. I see images of Kamala Harris in a sari and I think of my nieces who can now look to one of the highest offices in the world and see themselves represented. This moment opens up the door for them, and marginalized people all over the world, to dream the biggest they can and know that it is possible to attain it.

Our visibility matters, and I look forward to seeing a diverse coalition come together to weave the fabric of this country into the story of colorful and diverse America.


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