村上隆のインスタグラム(takashipom) - 1月17日 21時36分

An exhibition of MADSAKI’s new works is scheduled to open early this summer at @galerieperrotin NY. A few days ago, the completed works were delivered to @kaikaikikigallery to be photographed. While I sporadically followed his progress on Instagram, I had merely thought, “Oh, I guess his theme for the show is NY from back when he used to live there?” but when I saw the actual works, they gave me goosebumps. There is something fundamentally different between the thrill I feel when I encounter true art and what I feel when I see something superficial. I’m not sure whether it’s the context or the artist’s sentiment, but when it’s real, something unstoppably wells up in me. The works that MADSAKI delivered this time made me tear up; they evoked and overlapped with my memories from back when I was about 30 and lived in NY.
CBGB and Beastie Boys jackets; a scene from Nirvana’s music video; a tobacco poster pasted on a bodega entrance. On a TV monitor showing the current-affair news of the time, like George W. Bush starting the Gulf War, MADSAKI has mixed in his own commemorative photo, spray painted. I could keenly relate to his mentality evident in these works, of someone moving to America and trying his utmost to Americanize, while inevitably feeling the melancholy of being torn from his own, unalterably Japanese soul. The context of sympathy brought tears to my eyes.
But that’s not all. Something like elegant spirituality that pours out of these works is just amazing beyond words. Those of you in NY, you can’t miss this show!

マサキさん @madsaki の新作展がペロタンNY @galerieperrotin で今年の初夏に行われることになっている。で、数日前に作品がカイカイキキの撮影スタジオに納品された。Instagramでパラパラみていた時は、おお、今度のテーマはあの頃のNYなのかな???とか、それくらいの感想だったが、現物を見て鳥肌が立った。僕自身にとってのARTの本当に出会った感動と表層の偽物は、何かが違う。文脈なのか、本人の気持ちなのか、よくわからないけど、グググっと込み上げてくるものがある。今回納品された作品は僕の30歳の頃、NYに住んでた頃の記憶もオーバーラップして、涙が溢れ出た。


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





