ヘンリロイドのインスタグラム(henrilloyd_) - 1月12日 00時05分

Protecting the team @ineosteamuk

Carl Fereday
Rescue Swimmer

Having spent his life in and around the water, up until seven months ago Carl Fereday knew very little about the world of professional sailing and the America’s Cup. Having worked serving the British Military for 13 years, Carl left and fell into the private security sector, mainly focusing on super yachts. It was at this time that he received an offer to join INEOS TEAM UK.

Since September 2019, Carl has been INEOS TEAM UK’s Rescue Swimmer. A transition that may not be as big as a leap as it may first appear. #protectingtheteam #henrilloyd #sailing #clothing #americascup #racing #swimmer


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