ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 1月11日 04時07分

Please congratulate my student @pauldelgado.25 who just had a breakthrough year in trading in 2020 & celebrated by buying his mom a house & feeding over 5,000+ people in need in the NYC area to help them get through these difficult times! I wish someone had taught me the importance of giving back at the start of my journey so when you click the link in my bio to apply to be my student understand that I’m not just gonna teach you everything I’ve learned about stock trading, but also all about philanthropy/charity too as we ALL must help each other more and make this planet better for everyone! Never forget that 90%+ of traders lose so profits are not a given, but if you want it bad enough and are willing to put in a staggering amount of hard work like Paul has over several years, there’s a lot of potential, especially in this crazy market environment right now, and more people/animals than ever need more help then ever so let’s see whatcha got! You have no idea how thrilled I am to see Paul’s growth, success AND his paying it forward to help others too! Paul, thank you once again for all your dedication over the years & congratulations not only on your financial success, but also for helping so many other people too, the world needs more people like you! #proudteacher #ilovemyjob #givingback #proudson #honoraryjew


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