キャセイパシフィック航空のインスタグラム(cathaypacific) - 1月4日 19時00分

Welcome to the Cathay Fan Guided Tour 2021, a year-long adventure hosted by you! Every month, we invite a fan to share a secret hangout in their hometown — something you won’t find in the travel guides! Wish to host? DM us a photo of your top local destination and tell us why you love it!⠀

Let’s kickstart this journey at Tin Ha Shan. Tucked away in the eastern end of Hong Kong, it offers peaceful panoramas of the gorgeous Clear Water Bay Country Park and is a popular spot for locals to watch the sun rise.⠀

2021年,歡迎大家與我們一起踏上由你主導的「國泰Fan Guided之旅」。我們邀請你透過私人訊息分享一些旅遊書上不會有的本地秘點,並告訴我們你喜歡這個地點的原因。⠀


📸: @shine.with.mi

#cathaypacific #MoveBeyond #CathayFanGuidedTour⠀


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