クラレンス邸のインスタグラム(clarencehouse) - 12月31日 20時02分

Earlier this year, Dame Laura Lee, Chief Executive of cancer charity @MaggiesCentres came to Clarence House for what she thought was an interview about her charity work.

🎉 Little did she know that there was a big surprise in store!

In her role of President of Maggie’s, The Duchess of Rothesay, as Her Royal Highness is known in Scotland, presented Dame Laura with the Outstanding Contribution Award as part of the inaugural @PrideOfScotland Awards.

Dame Laura Lee was pivotal in founding Scottish cancer charity Maggie’s and became its first member of staff in 1995. She has devoted most of her adult life to bringing a unique kind of cancer support to people with all kinds of cancer, and their families and friends, across the UK and abroad.

The Duchess has been President of Maggie’s since 2008 and has visited centres all over the UK to see first-hand their important work helping those with cancer in a welcoming and thoughtful environment.

📺 Watch the awards in full this Hogmanay from 10:45pm on @wearestv1 in Scotland or on STV Player from anywhere else in the UK.


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