マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 12月26日 01時41分

Merry Christmas from us! I know it may be a bit of a sad one for a lot of you & there’s this weird obligation to still celebrate and do “regular” (ish) Christmas things in a very not regular time. If you don’t want to or CAN’T, do what we’re doing and just enjoy a day off! We didn’t even do any gifts this year, just got some festive creamer and switched my rest days (& am doing... laundry?) 😂 So have a GOOD DAY whether it be (responsibly) celebrating or just hangin by yourself, we’ve almost made it through this ridiculous year 🎄


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



