ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月14日 10時00分

For some hardy souls, living in the hinterlands far outside Sweden’s city centers sounds perfect.

Head north out of Stockholm, the country’s capital, and it won’t be long before you enter Norrland, the vast northern portion of the country that — while you’re driving through it — can seem to have no end.

It’s also a place where most Stockholmers would never dream of living, despite the red hot property market and housing shortage in and around Stockholm that has put homeownership out of reach for many. Yet here, prices can be so low that a young family might get a spacious house and land without a mortgage.

This region of about 100,000 square miles, which stretches beyond the Arctic Circle, makes up more than half of Sweden’s land mass but is home to just 10% of its population. That makes for a lot of long and lonely roads.

But the notion of decamping to the Arctic and buying a dream home may be a romantic and even liberating notion, especially for those who can work from anywhere, as many residents in cities like Stockholm can these days. And that raised the question: Why don’t more people make the move? Tap the link in our bio to read more. Photo by @olalewitschnik


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