マーモットのインスタグラム(marmot) - 12月11日 22時36分

Looking for a hot trail bevy to make at the campsite after a long slog in the mountains? Look no further.

Marmot's Social Media Manager, Sam, has the recipe to keep you warm during the chilly nights under the stars.

Trail Toddy

- water (direct from the source)
- lemon ginger tea or honey lavender tea
- honey
- sprig of pine (direct from the source)
- bourbon (optional)

Usually I'd use lemons, a jar of honey, cinnamon, ginger root and pour from a bottle of bourbon. However, when you're in the backcountry, you might not want to carry all of those ingredients. When you're stocking up on provisions, pick up lemon ginger or honey lavender tea and a small container of honey. While these ingredients make an incredible tea on their own, you can optionally find your favorite bourbon to bring in your flask to add!

The directions are very simple. Boil water and mix the ingredients in your cup! If you're feeling extra spicy, grab a sprig of pine that had just fallen off the tree and boil it with the water. It'll produce quite the refreshing trail flavor and aroma.

#liquidwarmth #trailtoddy #marmotbeta

Photo: @bentommat


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