Ashley Jamesのインスタグラム(ashleylouisejames) - 11月23日 04時27分

Stop giving pregnant people unsolicited advice. 🗣️🤰🏼

It's weird isn't it, as adults we're trusted to keep ourselves alive and safe. There's no one constantly coming up to us saying: "don't eat that food, I once got food poisoning", "don't get on a plane, a friend or a friend once did and it crashed" etc.

Yet from the moment we announce we're pregnant, the unsolicited advice starts left, right, and centre. Actually from speaking to others, unsolicited advice is what accounts for so much anxiety and stress during pregnancy and as a new mum.

It would seem that the majority of people bestowing the advice are doing it "to be nice", imparting their wisdom and telling us everything they wish they'd known about everything from birth, to breastfeeding, to sleep, and every other detail in between. But given that every experience, birth, and baby is so unique (not to mention how we want to raise them), it means that we can have conflicting advice we never even asked for coming from every direction about every part of pregnancy.

I've loved my journey, I've loved researching everything, I've even loved asking for advice around topics I'd like to know about, but some of the most stressful and anxiety inducing moments have come from the unsolicited advice. This week alone I've been told:
"You'll need to get rid of your cat it will sleep on the baby"
"I thought you might like to watch this video about still births"
"Your cot bumper will kill your baby"
"Get enough sleep now as you won't sleep when you have a baby"
"Enjoy lots of time with your boyfriend now as your relationship will never be the same again"

Why don't we trust pregnant people to ask for advice when they need it? I find it claustrophobic to be suddenly treated like a child and I'm unable to research topics and items. Also anxiety inducing when everyone projects their fears and bad experiences onto you. 🤰

I've shared a couple of TED talks I found really interesting on the topic, swipe along. 💖

What's your experience around this? I'd love to hear from pregnant people and mums. Maybe you hated advice but now give it? Maybe you are grateful for all the advice you get? 💕

#unsolicitedadvice #pregnancy


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