デイジー・ロウのインスタグラム(daisylowe) - 11月21日 17時33分

My dearest sister @bettygoffey today you turn 15... In your 15 years around the sun, you have brought us all more joy than I could ever quantify with words. You are the coolest, funniest, brightest, sassiest & most brilliant sister a girl could ask for. Thanks for all the matching outfits you have asked for/ endured. I am at my happiest whenever I am with you, whether we are dancing around the kitchen singing at the top of our lungs, baking, watching gossip girl, doing our spa days or playing dress up. You are the greatest sister in the world and I’m so lucky you are mine! Happiest birthday my sweet & savage Bettles ps thanks for making her @pearllowe @dannygoffeyofficial


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