ベン・ヒギンズのインスタグラム(higgins.ben) - 11月10日 11時05分

I hope you have heard, but if not I am pumped to tell you about my new and very first book, Alone in Plain Sight, which releases on February 2nd. Over the last few years, I’ve lived a lot of my life in and out of the public eye. However, what you guys haven’t seen as much of, is the journey I’ve been on to figure out who I really am. I’ve learned more about myself, about others, and about God, and yet I still have a lot to learn. I wrote this book for anyone who feels like an outsider because I want you to know you are not alone. This book means so much to me and I’m excited (and to be honest… pretty nervously anxiously excited) to share it with you.


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