日登美さんのインスタグラム写真 - (日登美Instagram)「Recipe( vegan ramen 🍜) ビーガンラーメンレシピ This is my rescue recipe😜 because most of the ingredients can be stored. If you miss the shopping, hope this will help you as well❤️  Ingredients (Soup for 4-5 person) 1600cc vegan soup stock( one handful of Dried Porcini and one piece of kombu seaweed soak in the water for 30 mins) 300cc soy milk 2-3 Tbsp miso( I use chickpea miso ) 4Tbsp sesame paste  2~Tbsp( until you taste) shoyu 2~Tbsp maple syrup  1/2~1tsp sea salt  3 cloves garlic ( graded) 20g Ginger ( graded)  1Tbsp ~ sesame oil   Dried spelt noodle @alb_gold_teigwaren   (For Chili oil) 2Tbsp oil( I used brat öl) 1Tbsp sesame oil 1Tbsp brown sugar  One handful chopped green onion  1Tbsp Chinese pepper ( crushed)  1-3 tsp Chili flake, 1Tbsp sake, 1Tbsp vinegar, 4Tbsp shoyu, 1/3 tsp seasalt  Directions  1. in the big pot, put sesame oil with medium heat. Add graded ginger and garlic until flavor coming , then add vegan soup stock and cook until boiled.  2. about 10 mins cooked the soup , take the kombu seaweed out but stay Porcini in. 3. Add miso and sesame paste and well dissolved. And add shoyu, maple syrup, seasalt until you taste. Add soy milk in the end. Then Soup is done. 4.Chili oil. Put the oil and sesame oil and sugar in small pan with low heat dissolve the sugar before oil will be hot. When the bobble comes turn off the heat. Add green onion and Chinese pepper to cook with remaining heat. Add chili,sake, vinegar, shoyu and salt in the end. 5. Cook the noodle and well drain. Pour the vegan soup. Add chopped green onion, fried onion, and what you have some vegetables or fresh stuff. Chili oil and roasted sesame on the top. Guten Appetit !  久しぶりのレシピです😘 やばい、冷蔵庫に何もない…そんな時のお助けメニュー🍜今回うちネギしかなかったんで!でもポルチーニさえあれば最高のビーガンスープに✨オススメですよん。  材料 ポルチーニ出汁1600cc(水に昆布一片と乾燥ポルチーニひと掴み入れ30分浸水) 豆乳300cc 味噌大さじ2〜3(ひよこ豆味噌使用) ねりごま大さじ4 しょうゆ大さじ2〜 メープル大さじ2 塩小さじ1/2〜1 ニンニク三粒すりおろし しょうが20gほどすりおろし 胡麻油大さじ1〜  チリオイル オイル大さじ2、胡麻油大さじ1、ブラウンシュガー大さじ1を小鍋にいれ弱火で温める。泡が出たら火を消して余熱で花山椒大さじ1、ネギひと掴みを加熱し、チリフレーク小さじ1〜3、酒、酢 各大さじ1 しょうゆ大さじ4、塩小さじ1/3を加えて完成。  作り方 1.鍋に胡麻油いれ中火にかけ、ニンニク生姜を炒め香りだす。そこにポルチーニ出汁加え沸騰させたら弱火にし10分ほど煮る。昆布を取り出す。ポルチーニは入れたまま。 2.味噌、ねりごまをよく溶かし加える。しょうゆ、メープル、塩で味を調える。最後に豆乳入れスープ完成。 #vegan #ramen #berlin #cooking」11月10日 2時44分 - hitomihigashi_b

日登美のインスタグラム(hitomihigashi_b) - 11月10日 02時44分

Recipe( vegan ramen 🍜)
This is my rescue recipe😜 because most of the ingredients can be stored. If you miss the shopping, hope this will help you as well❤️

Ingredients (Soup for 4-5 person)
1600cc vegan soup stock( one handful of Dried Porcini and one piece of kombu seaweed soak in the water for 30 mins)
300cc soy milk
2-3 Tbsp miso( I use chickpea miso )
4Tbsp sesame paste
2~Tbsp( until you taste) shoyu
2~Tbsp maple syrup
1/2~1tsp sea salt
3 cloves garlic ( graded)
20g Ginger ( graded)
1Tbsp ~ sesame oil

Dried spelt noodle @alb_gold_teigwaren

(For Chili oil)
2Tbsp oil( I used brat öl)
1Tbsp sesame oil
1Tbsp brown sugar
One handful chopped green onion
1Tbsp Chinese pepper ( crushed)

1-3 tsp Chili flake, 1Tbsp sake, 1Tbsp vinegar, 4Tbsp shoyu, 1/3 tsp seasalt

1. in the big pot, put sesame oil with medium heat. Add graded ginger and garlic until flavor coming , then add vegan soup stock and cook until boiled.
2. about 10 mins cooked the soup , take the kombu seaweed out but stay Porcini in.
3. Add miso and sesame paste and well dissolved. And add shoyu, maple syrup, seasalt until you taste. Add soy milk in the end. Then Soup is done.
4.Chili oil. Put the oil and sesame oil and sugar in small pan with low heat dissolve the sugar before oil will be hot. When the bobble comes turn off the heat.
Add green onion and Chinese pepper to cook with remaining heat. Add chili,sake, vinegar, shoyu and salt in the end.
5. Cook the noodle and well drain. Pour the vegan soup. Add chopped green onion, fried onion, and what you have some vegetables or fresh stuff. Chili oil and roasted sesame on the top. Guten Appetit !



オイル大さじ2、胡麻油大さじ1、ブラウンシュガー大さじ1を小鍋にいれ弱火で温める。泡が出たら火を消して余熱で花山椒大さじ1、ネギひと掴みを加熱し、チリフレーク小さじ1〜3、酒、酢 各大さじ1

#vegan #ramen #berlin #cooking


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