Sretsisのインスタグラム(sretsisofficial) - 10月30日 20時01分

BREAKING NEWS! Sretsis is proud to present our latest news program starring news anchor @ugly_pookie reporting live from Sretsis Studios. With the world at your fingertips, we would like to virtually present some light-hearted news and surreal stories to uplift during these times. Stay up to date on all the unbelievable news that we hope will bring some laughter and positivity straight to your screens. Stay tuned for #SretsisNews #SretsisFW20 #FW20TheDreamers Creative Director Pim Sukhahuta @pimstarr Director Aknarintr Kupoomchaisakul @aknarintr Makeup by @makeupnokofficial Hair by @ex__hairstylist_7997


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