ミシェル・オバマのインスタグラム(michelleobama) - 10月30日 03時35分

With the election almost here, I've been thinking a lot about the values I grew up with and the lessons that my parents taught me and my brother, @CraigMalRob. We talked a little bit about it on The #MichelleObamaPodcast—lessons about how we were responsible for working toward what we wanted to achieve, from getting an education to making change in our communities. I learned that significant responsibility at a young age while seeing my parents vote in every single election. And when it was time for me to vote, I did the same. And right now, voting is the most powerful action we can take to make this country and our communities a little better. So make a plan to vote right now at whenweallvote.org.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




