マンディ・パティンキンのインスタグラム(mandypatinkin) - 10月24日 23時56分

From my #phonebanking session a couple weeks ago. I SAVED A VOTE by helping Wendy fix her incorrect registration! These last two weekends are the most crucial for #gotv efforts. Sign up and make calls starting today. We need you. thelastweekends.org/doit Link also in my bio. Let’s get to work! #vote

This stuff ain’t easy or the most comfortable for lots of folks. It’s not always comfortable for me. I’ve been hung up on many times, sometimes I feel awkward and ridiculous making calls, but then I help someone and I know there are thousands of others doing this work with me.

There’s more at stake right now than our comfort. These calls literally can save us from four more years of Trump. Know that thousands of people are making these phone calls with you and turning out thousands more Biden votes. If you’ve resisted because you’re uncomfortable know that you’re in good company with everyone else. This is the work right now. To be uncomfortable and make these phone calls to get out the vote. If you’ve already been doing this stay with it. If you haven’t joined in, start today. These weekends are precious and vital.

And remember a lot of these phone banking efforts focus your calls to GOTV in swing states no matter where you are calling from. So if you live in an already super blue state and think you can’t help flip a swing state that is poppy cock.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



