ファット・ジョーのインスタグラム(fatjoe) - 10月24日 05時15分

Dealing with the youth the main thing you have to obtain is their trust. Before you can even think about coaching or mentoring trust must come first. These young men have to trust you, their parents have to trust you. Once trust has been established you can not break that trust. Back in the day football coaches were like you first mentor and for many today they still are.

Due to the Covid pandemic our kids have to travel now. It might be just another day for you or another day for me. But for these kids it’s history. Normally these kids wouldn’t get a chance to travel this time of year but given the circumstances we have to travel around the the nation to play football. At the same time they get knowledge and understanding of different cultures. This weekend we will be flying through the desert. I want to let them fly over Area 51 (Yes it’s a real place!). Take them to The Stratosphere in Vegas , to eat there and so they can enjoy the view Of Las Vegas.

When we say Black Lives Matter, it’s not just a slogan. It’s not just a catchy thing to say or holding a picket sign. It’s about actually going into the trenches and showing that these Black Lives Matter. It’s (NOT)merely financial, your presence can give a kid the extra push he needs. this really is a movement. Presently they have over a million views on YouTube. The Golden Army is now a brand. When we say it’s bigger than football, we mean it. We take that very seriously, especially as our country’s economical landscape changes. We are setting them up to be comfortable with new media. Now our boys are not only coming up with plays on the field but also TV show ideas, script ideas, and YouTube ideas.

As amazing a journey it has been, none of it would be possible without out supporters, from the parents to those who salute our efforts. We want to say we appreciate you. We thank the entire village. Our goal is always to demonstrate as a black movement that produces discipline, respect and nobility in the lives of these young men. Thank you to all the parents who have believed in us through the good times and the bad. Strongarm! @strongarmprince @therealrichplayer


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